Skatepark System Plan
The current metropolitan map of Portland Parks & Recreation’s Skatepark System Plan
Portland is, to our knowledge, the first city in the world to have a comprehensive master plan for skateboard park development. SPS conceived of and advocated for a Skatepark System Plan in 2001. It was adopted by Portland Parks & Recreation's skatepark advisory committee and carefully applied to existing park sites over a 24-month planning and public input period, and ultimately supported and passed by Portland’s five elected officials, its city council on August 3, 2005. The plan recommends 3 types of skateparks – 19 in total – 13 neighborhood skate spots, 5 district-wide skateparks, and one central city hub park - a "destination" skatepark.
The idea for a skatepark master plan is based on the idea that skateboarders deserve an appropriate scope of safe, well-designed facilities just like any other recreational activity.
Below are the 19 sites chosen by Portland Parks and Recreation's skatepark siting study. As of February 2014 five designated skateparks within this Skatepark System Plan have been completed and opened for public skateboarding use including: Pier Park, Glenhaven, Holly Farm, Gabriel Park , and Ed Benedict Park. Three additional skateboarding facilities were also added and constructed in 2015 and 2016 without SPS’ involvement - Alberta Skate Spot, Luuwit Skate Spot and Gateway Skate Spot.
Portland Skateparks by region - (Opened parks in bold)
North - Kenton Park, Pier Park, University Park
Northeast - Alberta Park, Fernhill Park, Glenhaven Park, Parkrose High School, Luuwit Park, Gateway Park
Northwest - ODOT 405 and ODOT Steel Bridge
Southeast - Berrydale Park, Brentwood Park, Ed Benedict Park, Lents Park, Powell Park, Ventura Park, Westmoreland Park, Woodstock Park
Southwest - Holly Farm Park and Gabriel Park